29 August 2011

Bruno the footling breech baby, two years on

Bruno has just turned two.  He still likes to keep one leg free for kicking.  He is a voraciously social little man, speaks both English and Portuguese, and loves penguins and firetrucks best of all.

12 April 2011

A beautiful frank breech homebirth (NSFW)

The Breech Homebirth of Annaka Faith

 "This is a video of a successful, beautiful breech home birth. It is not intended for younger viewers or anyone not wishing to see an actual live up close and personal birth."

Thanks to Sarah Jelmeland for the link!

09 January 2011

Researchers in Tel Aviv advocate for a return to vaginal breech birth

Breaching the Breech Protocol: Researcher Advocates Returning to Old-School Methods for Delivering Breech Babies
"Published in major obstetric journals world-wide and presented recently at the Canadian Congress on Breech Delivery, Prof. Glezerman's research indicates that breech babies are no more at risk during vaginal delivery than C-section, and there is reduced morbidity and mortality for the mothers. Based on his findings, Prof. Glezerman is campaigning worldwide for a return to skilled vaginal delivery of breech babies."