28 December 2009

unassisted childbirth

ever worry that a homebirth is risky? this is one of the resources that i remembered when i was in labor, halfway dilated, and realizing that i couldn't have a midwife present. positive stories like these are what pregnant women should be hearing about, instead of all the crazy worst-case scenarios that we're routinely fed. www.unassistedchildbirth.com

15 December 2009

Interview Questions for Breech Delivery

An excellent questionnaire to help you choose a provider from Jodi Rockwell, breech mama

more breech links, videos, and info


thanks to Sharon Muza of New Moon Birth, and to Jodi for the link.

10 December 2009

Brazon's birth story - on loan from Jodi

Brazon the Brazen Breech
Mother: Jodi Rockwell, www.jodirockwell.com
Doula: Sharon Muza, www.newmoonbirth.com
Acupuncturist: Patrice Hapke, www.acupuncturebliss.com
Delivering Midwife: Jennifer Gallardo, www.waterbirth.net

At 25 weeks, the ultrasound technician casually mentioned the words “in the breech position.” A sense of panic rushed through me; I caught it before it surfaced. It is early. This is common. Most babies turn at 35 weeks.

30 November 2009

come hear two breech mamas talk about their natural births

Jodi Rockwell, who had a frank breech baby this summer, and I will be speaking at the upcoming ICAN meeting (the International Cesarean Awareness Network’s Seattle Chapter). 7-9 pm on Monday, the 14th of December at Dragonfly Holistic Healing in Fremont, 760 N. 34th St., Seattle, WA 98103.


23 November 2009

Resources for Breech Birth

here are the primary websites that helped out when i was looking into my options with a breech baby. i'm dividing the list into four sections:
1.where to go
2.birth stories
3.discussions of breech delivery
4.extended resources (other sites that combine the three categories above)

18 November 2009

a footling breech story in Midwifery Today


a touching story by a midwife who was born breech, discussing her own birth and some of her clients' experiences.

05 November 2009

bruno's breech homebirth

Here is my own breech story: my son was born on the 18th of August, 2009 at our apartment in Seattle, weighing in at 7.12 pounds, and 21 inches long. He was footling breech (coming out leg-first) and since we couldn't find a midwife in Washington State to care for us, we planned on driving to Portland to give birth. My labor was very efficient, so we never even made it out the door and had a beautiful surprise home birth. My husband and my mother helped me to catch the baby, and Jesica Dolin, our Portland midwife, was on the phone to give us support. Click here to read Bruno's birth story.

Spinning Babies' post on the breech conference in Ottawa

Spinning Babies Blog: Coalition for Breech Birth Conference

with lots of lovely links!

08 October 2009

defending a woman's right to natural childbirth

the intent of this blog is to provide information and options to women who are pregnant with breech or other "high-risk" babies. when i was pregnant and found out that my child was breech, the only option that i was initially given was a scheduled c-section. after two weeks of lamentation, i finally found a supportive community and discovered my options for natural birth. i learned that carrying a breech baby was not "high risk" as i had been led to believe, and that i did not need to surrender to what i considered my worst-case birth scenario (a cesarean) without first giving my body the chance to prove itself. i spent the last weeks of my pregnancy intensively educating myself on the risks and benefits of natural breech birth, and my baby was born footling breech at 41 weeks, in a 5-hour natural, vaginal labor with no complications to mother or child (you can read the birth story here). i would be happy to talk or meet with you to discuss my experiences and your options. you can contact me by the email found in my profile page.