15 December 2009

Interview Questions for Breech Delivery

An excellent questionnaire to help you choose a provider from Jodi Rockwell, breech mama

Interview Questions for Breech Delivery:

Midwife/ Doctor________________________________________Date:_________

1. How long have you been in the practice total? What was your training like for breech births? Do women seek you out for this choice?

2. How many vaginal breech births have you attended and/or delivered?
What was your most recent?

3. What is your tactic/ philosophy for successful breech deliveries?

4. Have you ever experienced complications or even a tragedy with a vaginal breech delivery? What did you do in that moment?

5. What do you do in the event of a stuck head? How much time do you have to respond?

6. How do you reduce the risk of a prolapsed cord? Are there laboring positions that will help?

7. If there is an emergency, what facilities does the hospital have (that a homebirth with a midwife does not) which are vital for a safe outcome?

8. RE: true risk factor (stats of things going wrong). Do you feel that the risks are too great for a vaginal delivery given my birthing history, current pregnancy and health? Can you recommend this for me?

9. What would be your reservations?

10. How available are you? Do you know your schedule during my due date and would you be willing to add me as a patient?

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